Sunday, June 13, 2010

“How do you live past the Emotional, Verbal, and Physical Abuse?" Part I

Living past the emotional, verbal, and physical abuse can be challenging for most people. Talking about abuse is a touchy subject and in some cultures and families its considered taboo; “What happens in our family stays in our family. There is no need to seek a counselor, pastor, friend, or stranger, because the problem will go away—eventually.”

How many of us who have experienced some form of abuse or are currently in an abusive situation, know that the problem never goes away? The problem may seem like it has gone away because things in your life are going good for a moment or the person who is abusing you haven’t hit or said nothing to you out of the way in a while, “life is grandy – right?” Just because there are no physical or verbal abuse going on doesn’t mean the problem has gone away. How many of us truly know that the problem must be discussed in our life in order to seek a solution. The root of the problems goes way back to our ancestors and/or slavery days. Where a lot of incest took place, in families and nothing was said because of fear and death.

Unfortunately, this vicious cycle has continued in many families today. Most women choose not to talk about it and are damaging their family when abuse goes unaddressed. Tyler Perry movie “Madea Family Reunion,” where the mother sacrificed the innocence of her daughter to her husband to keep the family together, she needed financial stability. Can you believe this still goes on in families? How many women in the past have sacrificed their children for a husband, boyfriend, cousin, uncle, aunt, nephew, sister, brother, grandparent, because it was just too embarrassing to talk about it?

TD Jakes “Woman Thou Art Loose, where the mother ignored that her husband stole the innocence of her child. Each time the mother asked her husband he lies to her in her face.” How many of us women have been betrayed? Also, felt betrayed and worthless because their protector didn’t protect them from their husband, boyfriend, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, grandparent.

I want each person who was abused or are currently being abused believe in your heart and soul that God loves you so much! God made you special and unique none like any other person. God says you are the apple of his eye. He has great plans for your life. God wants you to fulfill your purpose for His will in your life. When you don’t fulfill his purpose you are glorifying Satan’s purpose and not God’s.
Let me say this to each heart person reading this article and have experienced some form of abuse and blames yourself for the abuse. I want you to know the abuse inflicted on you was not your fault.

Trust me when I say that because I lived with that burden most of my life. Wondering, “what if I did this or what if I did that” and all the time it was not my fault the abuse happened to me. It was so hard to go on in my life until I had to come to the conclusion that the abuse really wasn’t my fault. I was a victim that lay predator in my own home with my own parent. Once I realized this I had to change my thoughts, behaviors, patterns, circumstances and some friends, in order to begin a somewhat healthy life.

The first thing I did was seek God by reading spiritual books, seeking a church home, and speaking to spiritual people. After I started seeking God I began to feel better about myself. I started reading the word of God each day, little by little. I know it can be hard and you just don’t want to forgive that person because he or she has caused you a lot of pain, fear, self-worthiness, guilt, low self-esteem, gain or lose weight, depressed and anti-social. I know it’s difficult to forgive, because I lived with the same fears and questions you are living with or lived with.

However, reading the word of God was giving me peace, but there was something missing in order for me to move to the next level in my life. I searched and searched until I watched one of Tyler Perry’s movies “The Diary of a man black woman” and the one scene in there was the breaking and beginning of my life where forgiving someone sets you free even when you don’t want to forgive. I immediately started praying and saying “I forgive those who had anything to do with my past abuse.” I continued to say this until I meant it in my heart. Anybody can say they forgive a person but do you really mean it? I know I have said it and didn’t truly mean it. I did it just to get that person out of my face during that time. However, God has forgiven our sins each time we confess the sin [I John 1:9 NIV “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteous”

What happens to your sin when you are forgiven? Psalms 103:2 NIV states “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” God never remembers the sin. Isn’t that great to know! What an AWESOME, loving God we serve, who continues to give us chance after chance to have salvation—eternal life. Now ask yourself “Do you want God to forgive you because you forgave someone, or do you rather for God not to forgive you and hold the sin over your head?”

It is so important for us to forgive others, II Corithians 2: 7-11 NIV states “Instead you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you therefore to reaffirm your love for him. The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. If you forgive anyone I also forgive him, and what I have forgiven---in their sight of Christ for your sake. I order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”

How much should we forgive those who hurt us? Matthew 18:21-22 NIV states [Then Peter come to Jesus and asked “Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven times.”

I speak about forgiveness in depth because forgiveness is so very important in your life. It is so important to forgive those who did you wrong in order to fulfill your purpose in life. I want you to understand that I had to forgive every person who abused me, including my father, mother, step-father, cousins, aunts and uncles. I mean everybody in my entire family who knew I was getting abused and said “I must’ve did something for that person to abuse me. Or what did she wear to provoke him to touch her?” After hearing remarks like that while I was growing up tore me up on the inside. My chest felt like a burning pain and fire within and then my entire body felt hot because of those comments.

I carried those comments in my mind every day until I let go and forgave and trusted God to work in my life. This was a bad emotional scar to carry each and every day in my life. Thought after thought, relationship after relationship, I felt pain, sorry, discouragement, guilt, frustration and heartache.

Stay tuned for part II...

Michelle Moorer the author of "Shh..Don't Tell" and "Nurture Your Soul"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Living, Loving, Trusting past the abuse and Embracing yourself

It’s hard for many people who have not been abused to understand the fears, agony, and self-worthiness a victim has faced or currently faces. I lived my life with regret, fear, pain, guilt, shame, doubt, low self-esteem, little faith and misperception and trust for men. There were many times I couldn’t look myself in the mirror because of the hate and blame for the abuse inflicted. Thoughts of not being beautiful crossed my mind very often. I even thought about killing myself because the abuse was so unbearable. I stood looking at a reflection of me, but on the other side staring back at me I saw bitterness. With hate boiling inside of me like a lake of fire; wondering why I am living.

Living past the abuse is the most difficult thing a person could experience. I guess the question would be for many “Why living past abuse is so difficult?” Well, for me it was being around one of my perpetrators all the time with no control. I was sexually abused by my father from 5-10 years old. Once that ended my mother’s boyfriend abused me from 10-13 years old. I lived in the same house as my perpetrator. My mother and family didn’t believe me and when they heard about the abuse they blamed the abuse on me. I did everything in my power to stay away from my perpetrator and to protect myself. I would go to the restroom at different times throughout the day. I would wear layers of clothes because I didn’t want my body revealed. At times, I would put my dresser behind my door when I was in my room sleep. I slept with the light on, in fear that he would be on top of me when I woke up. Each and every night my stomach would be spinning and hurting very bad that I would cry myself to sleep. In fear that he would abuse me again; wondering will and when will the abuse would stop.

The affect of being abused at a young age led to premarital relations with various men and two children out of wedlock. I was doing so many different things at a young age that I didn’t care about myself and didn’t respect my body as a temple of God. When I finally moved out my mother house at 18, I thought I could handle my past abuse by shutting down and never ever disclosing what happened again. However, the more I realized I hadn’t healed the more emotionally unstable I was, especially in relationships. I found myself repeating the cycle of being with abusive people, whether it was verbally, emotionally, or physicall. Being abused is what I thought was love.

However, when I read Queen Latifah story my heart was saddened and crushed. I always felt like I had a deep connection with Queen Latifah. After I read her story, I now understand the connection. I could understand her turmoil, anger, fear, frustration, and pain she held within tucked so deeply. Being violated by someone is devastated and very traumatic! It creates seeds of bitterness, self-worthiness, anger, hostility, hopelessness, trust for people, and animosity toward other people especially men. You just don’t understand "why this happened to you." The person who violated you steals your happiness, joy, innocence, and trust. You feel embarrassed, ashamed, guilty and fearful. You spend most of your life trying to build up trust for men but always wonder “what if,” it happens again.

I finally lived past the hurt and pain, I have embraced the new me in so many different ways. The thought of being ugly doesn’t exist anymore. I am very successful! When I put God first he showed me all my talents, abilities and skills. I give all the honor and praise to God who is the head of my life. I have a loving church family who loves me for me and is nonjudgmental. I am very active in my church and have started minister classes as well. Glory be to God!

I speak intimately and deeply to women about my abuse, hoping to help encourage and heal many women of various backgrounds. Most women never get a chance to experience a healthy and fulfilled life once you move past the hurt.

Ladies, I pray that you love, trust and embrace the new you today!

Michelle, the author of "Shh...Don't Tell" and soon to be released "Nurture Your Soul."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Changing Lives...

To all my readers, please forgive me....I know I have not blogged in a while. I have been so busy. I will try to blog once a month.

I sit here tonight as I type this profound question. How many lives have I changed, impacted or simply touched? I honestly don't know the number of people, but I know from book signings in different states, teaching, from friends that introduce me to friends, co-workers and various people I meet along the way. I have changed so many different lives. I am eternally grateful to fulfill GOD's work. I prayed that my story touch the lives that needs to be touched and GOD is delivering this to me day- by-day, event-by-event and friend-by-friend.

As I type this blog I think of a special person I now call my sister-friend I had lunch with in Detroit, MI. One of my close friends purchased a bulk of books and gave them to some of her friends. There was one particular friend of my good friend my story touched in a very special way that I had to meet. I discovered that the abuse in this person life was painful and humiliated, that left her with thoughts of suicide, and unanswered questions to a puzzle she is still trying to piece together. My sister-friend was not able to relate or communicate with anyone about her past, but after reading my story she connected with me so quickly because we shared similar lives.

My close friend told me I inspired her in so many ways, that my story has given her hope in her life. I was truly touched and very honored that I touched her life with my story, and was able to begin her mind, body and soul to heal from past afflictions. Well, after hearing about my sister-friend, I could not wait to meet her. I made time and set up a lunch date. I am sitting in my car waiting to meet my sister-friend for the first time in my life. The time finally came where we met face to face, and words could not express the comfort of a hug and embrace that we both shared. At that particular moment I could feel her trouble, pain, and fears she has in her life. All I wanted to do was continue to hug her and tell her its going to be okay, and her past pain will be healed in GOD's time and she will live a healthy and productive life.

While having lunch some personal profound things about our past was shared, but as we talked I could tell that all your frustrations, fears and some pain was being released. It felt good to see this! All I want to do is see her heal and move on to the next level in her life. We had a great time at lunch. I hope the words that I said will encourage my sister-friend to continue to keep GOD in her life and believe in herself enough to know that GOD loves you and your life long suffering will soon be healed. I will always be there for you as a mentor and good friend.

To my beautiful sister-friend and you know who you are, I pray for continuous healing of your mind, body and soul. I pray that you always stay in GOD's word because he will redeem your soul! You are a strong beautiful woman and don't you ever forget that! You have an assignment on your life, known as an awaken purpose, and goal. I want you to reach that purpose. When times are rough just focus on the positivity in your life, and trust and know that there is nothing to small or large our GOD cannot handle.

I am there for you!

Love always,

Michelle Moorer, the author of "Shh...Don't Tell"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Greatest Gift...

I was sitting and thinking about what should I blog about today. So, I thought back to reading the bible a couple of days ago and I remember reading in the book of I Corinthians 13 how the greatest gifts are Abide, Faith and Love. However, the greatest gift of them all is "LOVE." Before, reading the bible, I spoke about LOVE in an older post, and how its important to love the person your with, family, friends and people you do not know, because you do not know when it will be the last time you speak or see them.

If you read the quote in the bible it confirms what I spoke about, in addition to how we are to treat people. Let me quote a couple of verses for you so you can understand how deep "LOVE" is...verse (4) "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up." verse (5) "Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil." verse (6) "Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth." verse (7)"Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endure all things." verse (8) "Love never fails, But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues; they will cease, whether there is knowledge, it will vanish." verse (13) "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest gift of these is LOVE."

After reading the above quotes, how do you feel? Do you feel differently, now that you know the greatest gift GOD gave us is "LOVE" and how its very important to LOVE everybody even our enemies? To all my readers, I want you to take the time to reflect on your life and the people you love in your life. Take a moment to think about what you would change in your life, as far as loving someone new, or differently? Once you are done reflecting on that, take some time to think about how you are going to LOVE that person.

I will be doing this with you as well!

I want you to stay strong and be encouraged through life trials, until next time....

Have a great & safe 4th of July! Enjoy spending time with LOVE ones.


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."

Sunday, June 7, 2009


How many of us look at our self in the mirror and can pick one or maybe two things from our body that just do not look right? We stand naked looking in the mirror, holding our stomachs in, lying in the bed trying to put a pair of jeans on that is two sizes small, or standing side ways looking in the mirror saying "I need to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 30 pounds, or even like me 50 pounds?" I have been guilty of this a lot in my past always wondering who will like me with all this weight. Saying things like " I want to be a little smaller, because I would get that handsome man of my dreams I been waiting for a long time." We as woman criticize our self and do not understand the true beauty we have within.

Women, I want you to make a promise this day forward that you would appreciate and love yourself with the flaws you have. When you start loving yourself, you gain more insight on who you are as a person and do not need a man to validate your self-worth. Ladies, let me tell you....when I started loving myself I became so in tuned with me as a person and what GOD wanted me to be here on earth, that I stop needing a man to validate my self-worth. Now, ladies I do need to lose 50 pounds though, but its because I want to live a long healthy life and do not want to develop Type II diabetes OR heart disease and have a heart attack as I age. My cholesterol is slightly high, so I have to lose weight to lower my cholesterol and have better health and longevity.

To all my beautiful ladies, I want you to know you are beautiful inside and out. However, if you need to lose weight like me, I encourgage you to shed those pounds for better health, longevity and make sure it's for you and not for a man. Always remember that a man do not validate your self worth. Please understand that GOD created each and every last one of us so differently and unique and GOD LOVES us exactly the way we are. So, anyone who enters into your life to be a friend, companion or husband should LOVE you past your imperfections and beauty. True love is defined as loving the person past their indescretions for who they are and NOT their looks.

To all my beautiful ladies, take the time to define your beautity by looking in the mirror at the person on the other side and smile and say "I am beautiful inside and out and GOD created me perfectly." Once you say this a couple of times, you will begin feeling beautiful. Try doing this for a week and watch your personality change and self-esteem increase. You will probably go buy a new outfit, or get a different hairstyle or get your nails, toes, or a facial done. Ladies, when this happens take the time to relax in the tub and reflect on the new change that has come and embrace the new exciting you.

Try it and see...


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."


How often do we disregard other people feelings without even thinking about how they feel? How often do we take for granted that the person we are talking to understands what we are truly saying? How often do we take the time to explain to the other person how we feel, or what we feel? How often do we speak to the other person in a rude way and disregard their emotions? Well, the reason why I asked is because we live in a society where everything is fast pace and we do not take the time to consider other people feelings.

We as people walk past people each day and do not speak, let alone become friendly or glance a smile towards them. Don't worry, because I find myself doing the same thing at times and think about it afterwards, saying to myself "well they walked past me and didn't say anything so why should I." Well, two wrongs do not make a right and someone has to be the mature minded person. However, do you know there are people in this world that care if you are kind, compassionate, courteous and speak, smile and greet them.

Being kind to a stranger would mean the world to them, but yet we take for granted how society has molded each of us to take life for granted and not be considerate that the person we meet might be the last time we see,speak or smile to. That person maybe experiencing life or death encounters and one word or smile may mean the difference to them.

To all my readers, take the time out to be considerate, kind, and compassion to each and everyone you meet. Take the time to smile, even if the person do not smile back. Take the time to speak, even if the person do not speak back. Doing these simple things are reflections of the heart and GOD knows your heart and you will be blessed in the end.

Think about it..


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We as people can experience so many different relationships, there are personal relationships, family relationships, children relationships, boy and girlfriend relationships, church fellowship relationships and the sporadic relationships where you meet people along your personal journey.

Now, as I write this blog I am thinking of a personal relationship that I feel so connected with the person I am interested in, but I do not know how or what to say. The emotions as a human being is so profound. I know we meet people in life for different reasons, seasons or for a lifetime, however; I am experiencing a tug a war with my flesh and spirit (Ephesians 6:12 For we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against dark rulers of this life time and against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places).

My flesh wants to experience a Christian relationship with this person for the first time in my life. Christian dating is the way GOD intended things in life to be. So, as my flesh and spirit play tug a war. I want to say something to the person about the way I feel, but the thought of rejection, pride and over stepping my boundaries surfaces and puts everything back into perspective.

I am trying to change my life and become closer to GOD in addition to being redeemed. I want to stay on the path. So, I am stuck thinking about this Christian relationship, wanting to experience and comphrehend the new life I began with the LORD.

I am wondering what should I do? Should I tell this person who is also a GOD fearing man my thoughts, because I sense the same vibe from him? OR Should I captivate my thoughts and let things be as the bible say?

To all my readers, have you ever felt this way before? If so, what did you do about it?

Let me know your thoughts...

Have a great week!


Michelle Moorer