Sunday, May 31, 2009


We as people can experience so many different relationships, there are personal relationships, family relationships, children relationships, boy and girlfriend relationships, church fellowship relationships and the sporadic relationships where you meet people along your personal journey.

Now, as I write this blog I am thinking of a personal relationship that I feel so connected with the person I am interested in, but I do not know how or what to say. The emotions as a human being is so profound. I know we meet people in life for different reasons, seasons or for a lifetime, however; I am experiencing a tug a war with my flesh and spirit (Ephesians 6:12 For we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against dark rulers of this life time and against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places).

My flesh wants to experience a Christian relationship with this person for the first time in my life. Christian dating is the way GOD intended things in life to be. So, as my flesh and spirit play tug a war. I want to say something to the person about the way I feel, but the thought of rejection, pride and over stepping my boundaries surfaces and puts everything back into perspective.

I am trying to change my life and become closer to GOD in addition to being redeemed. I want to stay on the path. So, I am stuck thinking about this Christian relationship, wanting to experience and comphrehend the new life I began with the LORD.

I am wondering what should I do? Should I tell this person who is also a GOD fearing man my thoughts, because I sense the same vibe from him? OR Should I captivate my thoughts and let things be as the bible say?

To all my readers, have you ever felt this way before? If so, what did you do about it?

Let me know your thoughts...

Have a great week!


Michelle Moorer

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today in church Elder Williams spoke about change. It was interesting because last night I was thinking about what to post today for my blog that would really hit home. Then suddenly the spirit spoke change and when I went to church today Elder Williams spoke on change which confirmed my thoughts of what should be posted. Now that is the power of GOD working through other people.

Change is a touchy subject that is so profound that most people do not like to talk about and actually run from the conversation due to the thought of change. Now think about it...if someone asked you these series of questions, how would you respond? "When are you going to make that change and leave that no good man of yours at home; because you know he is no good for you?" "When do you plan on going back to school?" "When are you going to take care of your kids?" When are you going to stop prostituting?" When are you going to stop smoking weed." "When are you going to stop drinking?" "When are you going to stop doing drugs?" "When are you going to stop disrespecting your parents?"

"When are you going to start doing more for yourself and not for someone else?" "When are you going to love yourself more?" "When are you going to stop cursing and swearing all over the place?" "When are you going to apologize for your mistakes?" "When are you going to let the bitterness go?" "When are you going to change the way you think and the way you speak to people?" OR "When are you going to finally change and give your life over to the LORD and let him do his will and stop doing your own will?"

The answer to most of these questions are either, "Hmmm...I don't know" OR "I will one day." OR "When I get old because I know my time to die will be soon, and I will make that change right quick." These answers may seem ridiculous but they are true. People do say these things. So, I asked those people especially my readers "What day is the right day to make a change?" "When will the day come for you to stop what your doing and change yourself?" How about today?

Elder Williams once told me in the mist of me deciding on change that anything GOD changes in you is always good and you want to receive the goodness from GOD. It helps you grow inside and outside and people in your life will see this change and either change themselves or remove themselves from your life. Why waste your life doing nothing that is not benefiting your life with no fulfillment?

You want to grow and make change in your life to become the person GOD created you to become, and in order to do this YOU will need to change YOU!

I know...I know what you may be thinking...that change is hard to do, but please trust me and understand CHANGE is always good! CHANGE will get you to the next level in your life where GOD wanted you to be.

So I ask all my readers "When are you going to make that change in your life?"

Now think about it...


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Beginning..

Today was a beautiful day for me. Since, I relocated from Detroit to IL, I was praying for a church home for a couple of years and I finally found one. Let me talk about the power of prayer and how GOD works.

I met a nice woman where I teach classes, two months ago. We connected instantly with one another, as if I had been knowing her all my life. However, one day she was speaking to Pastor Williams and told him about me. After the phone converation, she recommended I call him and speak to him about any concerns I may have.

Well, that night on my way home, I decided to call Pastor Williams and we spoke for a couple hours about my problems, concerns and resolutions. A couple days later my co-worker and I met Pastor Williams for lunch to get spirtual prayer. Before, going to meet the Pastor I was excited and reluctant to meet Pastor Williams, because I didn't know what to expect. Not realizing this was the devil that had placed fear in my heart before meeting the Pastor.

A day or two later I telephoned the pastor and told him I would visit his church in two weeks, which was after Mother's Day. I had made a promise to go to my girlfriend's church for Mother's Day. To make a long story short, I was so excited the following week after Mother's Day to visit Pastor Williams church to hear him speak on the word of GOD.

I had such a great experience! I felt lead to stay there and become a member of his church, to be under the guidance of Pastor Williams and grow with his church and new family. I am so glad because today changed my life and relationship with GOD. I now have a church home located in Gary, IN and extended family.

This example is a perfect example of how GOD place people in your life for a reason, season, or lifetime. When GOD does this we as people must figure out why that person was placed in our lives.

I want all my readers to think about their life and reflect on the people coming in and out of your life. What have you learned? What new person changed your perspective? How did it make you feel as a person?

If you are asking yourself how would you know; you would know if a person was of GOD only if the situation was a GODLY situation. Meaning, to be careful of the devil and what you may think is from GOD. Just remember GOD directs you toward him and not away from him.

I had a new beginning in my life today. Why don't you?


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day..

Mother's Day is a time to share with your mother, or someone who is important to you in life. This is a joyous time that should be shared, because often a mother is taken for granted.

As a mother have you felt that your job raising a child just wasn't good enough? Or the home you live in just wasn't big enough? Or no matter what you paid out, you just didn't have enough money to last throughout the week because you had to spend it on a child and/or bill?

I know there are many times where alot of negative thoughts often crept in your minds and had you thinking something totally different about your life. Well, I am here to tell you that a mother is not perfect and should not profess to be. Learning, growing, forgiving your mistakes throughtout life is what makes a mother's worth so very important in life.

I want all the mother's reading this blog to pat yourself on your back because you are an AWESOME, beautiful person created by GOD and know your self worth outweighs your mistakes and/or flaws that maybe seen by someone else.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's. May GOD continue to bless you in all you do.

Enjoy this day!


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell"

Sunday, May 3, 2009


What is love? How do you define love? Can you love after being subjected to trauma? Do you know how to love?

Love is patient and never hard. Love is loving someone for who they are and NOT judge them for past descretions. Love is loving a person past fear, past the unknown of not knowing what the relationship brings and how it will turn out. Love is unconditional like GOD loves us.

As I think upon my life and the adversity I faced in the past, the love I had experienced in past relationships was not love. The reason why it wasn't love was because I didn't love myself enough to love someone else. I hated myself so bad because of the pain I endured and inflicted upon me I didn't want to live in this world. I thought love was sexual relationships with others because I didn't know how to love. But once I finally knew what love was I then began to love me more than ever before.

Often at times I wonder if I loved myself more back then, would my situation and/or outcome would be different from today. I believe it probably would have, and notice I said probably would have because I truly do not know. Now that I have healed from my past I can love someone who deserves love, because I now love myself.

My question to all my readers, do you know what love is? Can you love someone without passing judgement? Can you love past the pain you have experience in this life like GOD loves you?

Take a moment to reflect on your life past and present pain and find the strength within to love someone, whether its a family member, child, spouse or friend.


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."