Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today in church Elder Williams spoke about change. It was interesting because last night I was thinking about what to post today for my blog that would really hit home. Then suddenly the spirit spoke change and when I went to church today Elder Williams spoke on change which confirmed my thoughts of what should be posted. Now that is the power of GOD working through other people.

Change is a touchy subject that is so profound that most people do not like to talk about and actually run from the conversation due to the thought of change. Now think about it...if someone asked you these series of questions, how would you respond? "When are you going to make that change and leave that no good man of yours at home; because you know he is no good for you?" "When do you plan on going back to school?" "When are you going to take care of your kids?" When are you going to stop prostituting?" When are you going to stop smoking weed." "When are you going to stop drinking?" "When are you going to stop doing drugs?" "When are you going to stop disrespecting your parents?"

"When are you going to start doing more for yourself and not for someone else?" "When are you going to love yourself more?" "When are you going to stop cursing and swearing all over the place?" "When are you going to apologize for your mistakes?" "When are you going to let the bitterness go?" "When are you going to change the way you think and the way you speak to people?" OR "When are you going to finally change and give your life over to the LORD and let him do his will and stop doing your own will?"

The answer to most of these questions are either, "Hmmm...I don't know" OR "I will one day." OR "When I get old because I know my time to die will be soon, and I will make that change right quick." These answers may seem ridiculous but they are true. People do say these things. So, I asked those people especially my readers "What day is the right day to make a change?" "When will the day come for you to stop what your doing and change yourself?" How about today?

Elder Williams once told me in the mist of me deciding on change that anything GOD changes in you is always good and you want to receive the goodness from GOD. It helps you grow inside and outside and people in your life will see this change and either change themselves or remove themselves from your life. Why waste your life doing nothing that is not benefiting your life with no fulfillment?

You want to grow and make change in your life to become the person GOD created you to become, and in order to do this YOU will need to change YOU!

I know...I know what you may be thinking...that change is hard to do, but please trust me and understand CHANGE is always good! CHANGE will get you to the next level in your life where GOD wanted you to be.

So I ask all my readers "When are you going to make that change in your life?"

Now think about it...


Michelle A. Moorer, the author of "Shh..Don't Tell."

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